Category: Education

Get A Little Education

Get A Little Education

Get A Little Education There are a lot of things to be learned in the world. You could begin right now reading book after book during every minute of the rest of your life and you could still not read all of the books that have been written. The amount of knowledge that is possible to learn is literally endless. However, just because you will never learn everything there is to know does not mean that you should not make an effort to always be getting an education from life. Be committed to increasing your knowledge and to education does...

Exercise Your Mind With Online Education

Exercise Your Mind With Online Education

Exercise Your Mind With Online Education With every New Year, we’re given a clean slate upon which to draw a brand new future. Along with New Year’s resolutions to exercise your body, perhaps it’s time to consider exercising your mind as well. Now is the perfect time to continue your education. Of course the big question is, how do you fit one more thing into your already insanely busy schedule? If you’ve ever hesitated to pursue further education because you couldn’t handle the rigors of a traditional campus program, it may be time to consider the relatively new, but rapidly...

McGill Mba Program

McGill Mba Program

McGill Mba Program Located in the central part of Montreal, Quebec, McGill University is considered as one of the best institutions in Canada. The university has been recognized by various organizations over the years. It has been one of the top 25 Canadian universities around the globe according to Times Higher Education Supplement. It also ranked number one in the medical doctoral category of McLean’s 2005 Canadian University Rankings. The McGill’s University Faculty of Management has a diversified community and maintains international standards. It is the university’s priority to develop superior research programs guided by competitive and experienced professors. The...

College Student Credit Cards – How to Choose the Best One

College Student Credit Cards – How to Choose the Best One

College Student Credit Cards – How to Choose the Best One There are so many credit cards being offered to college students these days that it may be difficult to choose the right college student credit card. It is important to choose carefully to make sure that you have the best deal and rates available. The interest rate that a college credit card charges is extremely important to take into account. The fact is that when you make a purchase on a college credit card you are, in effect, borrowing money from the credit card issuer. You must pay a...

Continuing Education Courses for Professionals

Continuing Education Courses for Professionals

Continuing Education Courses for Professionals If you work in a field where you must obtain a license to work in that profession, you are no doubt aware of the requirements of obtaining and keeping that license. One of the common requirements of many professions like nursing, dentistry, law or public relations is the continued commitment to education throughout your career. Why? Because in these fields, you are considered the experts and must stay abreast of current developments, research and trends to help your patients, clients and companies thrive in today’s cut-throat economy. The amount of continuing education you must complete...

Why Not Visit Dumaguete In The Philippines?

Why Not Visit Dumaguete In The Philippines?

Why Not Visit Dumaguete In The Philippines? Dumaguete City is the main City of Negros Oriental. A small city that is flooded of tourists every year because of its local attractions and a place of learning of highest quality in the south. Dumaguete City ‘a city of gentle people’ is place that is worth a visit when you are in the run for adventure and fun. Its not just Dumaguete itself that makes it all wonderful, its the people, the attractions, the food… hmmm… you got to love the food. Dumaguete City is located in Visayas, west of Cebu Island,...

University Online Degrees – Join the High Ranks On Your Computer

University Online Degrees – Join the High Ranks On Your Computer

University Online Degrees – Join the High Ranks On Your Computer Now there’s few words that I like more than consortium and portal; and that is just one of the exciting reasons why I’m getting all sorts of worked up for my university online degree. Are you thinking that I could engage in other activities that had some semblance of a connection with the words consortium and portal? I agree. But, I also want to get started on my career and don’t have the time to go to classes full time, because of my job. The problem was that I...

Tips To Consider For Your College Search

Tips To Consider For Your College Search

Tips To Consider For Your College Search There are a number of points that you will want to consider when you start your college search. More than anything, this will at least help cut down the number of options that you have after performing a college search. It doesn’t matter if you are doing your college search online or if you are working through the hundreds of prospectuses that your high school has, the points to consider are the same. Before you start your college search you should identify your priorities. Now these are not going to be the same...

Live Life Through Liberal Education

Live Life Through Liberal Education

Live Life Through Liberal Education “Jack of all traits master of none”, this is the description of many when asked about a Liberal Arts student or graduate. As observed, 18-year old individuals who are in college for enrollment and have not decided what to specialize in usually end up in the Liberal Arts Department. For some, it is not a wise choice. Yes, this thinking may even run in the student’s mind for he thought his choice was just for the sake of studying on something. This is very wrong. Liberal Arts education will prove you erroneous. In this world...

Romney Can’t Take His Mitts Off Human Relations Education

Romney Can’t Take His Mitts Off Human Relations Education

Romney Can’t Take His Mitts Off Human Relations Education Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has fired two salvos on sex education since July, attacking Democratic candidate Barack Obama for his support of age-appropriate, medically accurate sex education for elementary school children, then going after the broader Democratic field for not rejecting the inclusion of gay-related issues in sex education for second-graders. “Not one candidate was uncomfortable with young children learning about same-sex marriage in the second grade,” Romney said on September 26. “This is a subject that should be left to parents, not public school teachers,”...