Category: Education

Advantages of Universities

Advantages of Universities

Advantages of Universities A degree from a university means many thing to many different people. Only you can define the importance of a degree such as this to you and only you can determine whether or not now is the time for you to pursue a university degree. If you are unsure about how advantageous a university degree could be to your life let’s look at some of the advantages to a university education in relationship to a community college education. Money. The first obvious advantage of a university education would be in future earning potential. A four-year degree trumps...

College Student Loan Programs  Best Ways to Deals With Them

College Student Loan Programs Best Ways to Deals With Them

College Student Loan Programs Best Ways to Deals With Them It is a fact that every year, college tuition costs continually rise. Because of this, many high school graduates are now considering going to work first before they enter college. This way, they hope save enough money in order for them to enter college without worrying too much about their financial obligations. Because college tuition fees are continuing to increase every year and with the continuing population growth in the US, the competition for qualifying for college scholarships has become tougher and tougher. Some high school students are working extra...

Homework On College Credit Cards

Homework On College Credit Cards

Homework On College Credit Cards With credit cards dominating the market world today, even college students are already prospective clients of most credit card companies. This is because studies have revealed that most college students have difficulty in maintaining their expenses especially to those who are far way from home. That is why credit card nowadays had been a “must-have” for most college students. Basically, college credit cards do not differ that much to ordinary credit cards. In fact, college credit cards are classified as secured credit cards because students do not have any credit history that will enable them...

How To Spot Bogus Fake Degrees

How To Spot Bogus Fake Degrees

How To Spot Bogus Fake Degrees More and more people are getting arrested or sued for illegally using bogus fake university degrees to land better paying jobs. Sometimes, this is done with criminal intent and at other times, the victims innocently thought that their college or university degrees were genuine. This is because many of these so called “universities and colleges” offering fake degrees have positioned themselves so well that they are thought to be authentic, especially those bogus degree mills that are offering university degrees online. Bangladeshi, Abu Syeed Chowdury was jailed for 4 months in Singapore when he...

MindBlow and Mind Below

MindBlow and Mind Below

MindBlow and Mind Below MindBlow and Mind Below Human mind is numberless wonder of whole universe. This is the most fertile field of world. More you sow much you reap out of it. The usage of this part of human body needs accurate and precise approach. The tool to sharpen the upper part of human body is only through education. The education can change the life of human being. This had been proven by scientific development of our world. Thus in most advanced and developed society, every possible care is taken in education sector applications. Are we in India caring...

Stuck In A Dead End Job? Get An Online College Education Now Before Your Forced To Retire Broke!

Stuck In A Dead End Job? Get An Online College Education Now Before Your Forced To Retire Broke!

Stuck In A Dead End Job? Get An Online College Education Now Before Your Forced To Retire Broke! In this article were going to explore the new revolution in education that’s taken place in the last 10 years via the internet and how you can turn back the clock so to speak and get that degree and job you’ve always dreamed of. Quietly and unannounced right now, while I write this article, there are thousands and thousands of people becoming doctors, lawyers, business administrators and nearly every other profession known to man. They are in their bedrooms, living rooms and...

The Spectrum Of Online Adult Education

The Spectrum Of Online Adult Education

The Spectrum Of Online Adult Education Adult education involves the training and development of adult individuals in certain vocations or subjects for a variety of reasons. Adult education is not the same as the traditional education of young individuals due to the methods that are employed in order to capitalize on the accumulated knowledge and life experience of the adult individual. Because of these factors, adults can use what they know to add depth to their educational experience, and have a better understanding of how to apply it to their current life situations. Though often done in the workplace as...

Just What is Continuing Education?

Just What is Continuing Education?

Just What is Continuing Education? Although many people may think of preparing for the GED as continuing education, technically, it’s not. Continuing education means progressing with your educational career after you’ve either received your high school diploma or you’ve received an alternative GED certificate. So what does continuing education include? Well, technical schools, college classes, and online classes to progress in your career are examples of forms of continuing education. These classes and programs are intended to help you continue your education after graduation. Technical schools were created specifically to help adults progress beyond high school. These schools have programs...

Human Relations Education Once Considered ‘Communist Plot’

Human Relations Education Once Considered ‘Communist Plot’

Human Relations Education Once Considered ‘Communist Plot’ Going back to 1980 to write The Sex Ed Chronicles required me to return to the 60’s and 70’s to get the political setting just right. Until I started my research, I did not know that sex education had been considered part of a ‘Communist plot.’ In 1960, John Birch Society president Robert Welch urged parents to join their local Parent-Teacher Associations and take them over. According to a Time magazine reporter in 1969, Welch had “decided that sex education was a ‘Communist plot’ akin to community fluoridation plans.” As part of my...

America’s Seven Top Nursing Schools

America’s Seven Top Nursing Schools

America’s Seven Top Nursing Schools Choosing the right school can make all the difference in your nursing career. Knowledgeable, supportive instructors are the key to any good nursing education, and the stronger a school is in the department you want to specialize in, the easier it will be for you to pursue the nursing field of your dreams. If you’re not sure where to specialize yet, it’s generally better to choose a larger school that will give you exposure to many different fields—and is likely to have a strong department in the field you choose. Following is a list of...