Category: Education

College Costs

College Costs

College Costs If you plan to help your children pay for college, you are not alone. Many parents feel it is their duty to pay at least part of their children’s college costs, even though the price tag is rising as each year goes by. It is hard to save for your child’s education for two reasons. You don’t know where you child will end up getting their education, and you have no idea what that tuition will be once they are ready to enter school. This is when you need to go out and get some help with planning...

St Andrews University Honouring Golf Legends

St Andrews University Honouring Golf Legends

St Andrews University Honouring Golf Legends The University of St Andrews is the oldest university in Scotland and third oldest in the English-speaking world, having been founded between 1410 and 1413. The university attracts students from over 100 countries and independent school intake is high, but the university has an active widening participation policy. St Andrews University has a history in honouring sports personalities especially the ones in the world of golf. About a year ago four of the biggest names in world golf have been awarded degrees by Scotland’s oldest university to mark the beginning of the 134th Open...

Christian Education: An Alternative

Christian Education: An Alternative

Christian Education: An Alternative All children have to attend school. If the schools in your area are less than ideal it can seem like there are no options for your children. Consider the benefits of Christian education for your children. You might just want to consider this alternative to the public school system in your area. Choosing to enroll your children in Christian education can be a success. Christian schools often provide smaller class sizes so that children get more individual attention. And since getting a solid education is the main reason to go to school, having more individual attention...

Get A Little Education

Get A Little Education

Get A Little Education There are a lot of things to be learned in the world. You could begin right now reading book after book during every minute of the rest of your life and you could still not read all of the books that have been written. The amount of knowledge that is possible to learn is literally endless. However, just because you will never learn everything there is to know does not mean that you should not make an effort to always be getting an education from life. Be committed to increasing your knowledge and to education does...

Exercise Your Mind With Online Education

Exercise Your Mind With Online Education

Exercise Your Mind With Online Education With every New Year, we’re given a clean slate upon which to draw a brand new future. Along with New Year’s resolutions to exercise your body, perhaps it’s time to consider exercising your mind as well. Now is the perfect time to continue your education. Of course the big question is, how do you fit one more thing into your already insanely busy schedule? If you’ve ever hesitated to pursue further education because you couldn’t handle the rigors of a traditional campus program, it may be time to consider the relatively new, but rapidly...

Finding a College Scholarship for a Single Mother

Finding a College Scholarship for a Single Mother

Finding a College Scholarship for a Single Mother Women dream of having a happy and fulfilled family life. But sometimes reality can really hurt, and the fairy tale world ends with a snap of a finger. And very soon, you’ll find yourself raising your kids alone without the help of your husband. Supporting a family with kids is tough, especially if you’re a single mom. And the best way to be able to give your kids a decent life is to finish college, and land a good job. Being a single mother can be very hard. You would have to...

Rotman Business School

Rotman Business School

Rotman Business School Located in the third biggest financial center in North America, the University of Toronto is well known across the globe as the most excellent research university in Canada. The university was founded in 1827 and now serves a total of 67,000 students and 11,000 faculty and staff employees. The university houses one of the top four research libraries in North America. This facility allows students to have a ready source of reference needed for schoolwork and further readings. The University of Toronto offers a variety of programs, which consists of 31 divisions on its three campuses. A...

Financial Planning – Send Your Kids To College

Financial Planning – Send Your Kids To College

Financial Planning – Send Your Kids To College The idea of financing kids’ college education through long term financial planning is not new. For the past decades, parents have made the efforts to save and invest for the security of their kids’ future. The government participates and creates several laws to support easier financial planning for parent. And up to now, the government has been improving the system of education and polishing the laws to better give the kids the right and secured education they deserve. The result of years of improving the financial planning system is the creation of...

Learn To Love Book Summaries

Learn To Love Book Summaries

Learn To Love Book Summaries I have been a college professor for nearly twenty years. I say that only to give background to the piece of advice that I am about to share with you. I’m often asked by students that are about to head off to college if I have any words of wisdom or pieces of advice to share with them. Yes, I do. I have a lot of advice for students entering college. The college world is drastially different than life growing up with your family. There is much I could share, but I’ll stick to one...

Bad Or Good College Relationships: Control And  Define Your Social Behavior Around The Campus

Bad Or Good College Relationships: Control And Define Your Social Behavior Around The Campus

Bad Or Great College Relationships: Control And Define Your Social Habits Around The School College life could be one of the most difficult parts of everybody’s life where brand new interaction with absolutely different people may appear intimidating initially however will show a significant action towards making your social and entire outlook in life as flexible and as amazing as possible. This is also the stage of our lives where the start of taking unique note of major matters over steady transition of our character development is taking into account. College, in fact, is really not a lot various from...