Tagged: Schools

American Film Schools

American Film Schools

American Film Schools American film schools have a rich history dating back to the 1970s, when there was little chance to get film education. The only option to gain knowledge was to go to Hollywood at a young age and work along with people in the industry. By the 1970s, many major universities began to offer classes in film technology. Over the years, many film schools have opened with numerous educational programs that provide actual industry experience along with education. American film schools are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) and the National Association...

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools With the increasing cost of college education, you surely would want to know the different possibilities wherein you can study and earn a degree without paying so much or without paying at all. Sounds familiar? What about scholarship for college students? Now that’s more familiar. But getting familiar with the phrase would not give you any result and would not even let you finish college for free. You still have to know the types of scholarship for college student so that you can choose which one is right for you. You see,...

Arts Education Suffering In San Jose Schools

Arts Education Suffering In San Jose Schools

Arts Education Suffering In San Jose Schools Art programs, such as art appreciation, drama, theater and music, have been suffering across the nation for 30 years, as school officials concentrate on the basics of learning. With federal programs, such as No Child Left Behind, even more focus has been placed on basic learning skills, which excludes the arts. This also means that any extra funding is funneled into these basic learning programs in order to meet state and federal-set standards. Arts education is one of the standards that should be met by schools within the state of California, yet the...

Vocational Schools In Chicago

Vocational Schools In Chicago

Vocational Schools In Chicago A vocational school is an institution operated for the purpose of giving the students the necessary skills to perform certain jobs. These schools do not aim to further a liberal arts education instead offer to teach job-specific skills. Vocational education being offered in the past usually focused on specific trades such as becoming an automobile mechanic or welder. Such training and education were then associated with the activities of lower social classes. As a consequence of this, vocational schools attracted a level of stigma. The youth would prefer going to universities and colleges for their education...

Minneapolis Schools: Just The Facts

Minneapolis Schools: Just The Facts

Minneapolis Schools: Just The Facts Minneapolis is located in the mid-Eastern portion of Minnesota. It is the sister-city to St. Paul, and sits on the banks of the Mississippi River. Minneapolis Schools serve approximately 36,000 students. 16% of those students are enrolled in special education programs, 24% are English Language Learners, and 67% are participants in the state’s Free/Reduced Lunch program. Minneapolis Schools employ 226 administrators, 115 principals and assistant principals, 3,276 teachers, and 2,682 other staff members which includes educational assistants, clerical and student support workers, food service workers, transportation engineers, janitorial engineers, and tradesmen. The Minneapolis School consists...

America’s Seven Top Nursing Schools

America’s Seven Top Nursing Schools

America’s Seven Top Nursing Schools Choosing the right school can make all the difference in your nursing career. Knowledgeable, supportive instructors are the key to any good nursing education, and the stronger a school is in the department you want to specialize in, the easier it will be for you to pursue the nursing field of your dreams. If you’re not sure where to specialize yet, it’s generally better to choose a larger school that will give you exposure to many different fields—and is likely to have a strong department in the field you choose. Following is a list of...

College Ranking: Tips for Finding the Best Schools

College Ranking: Tips for Finding the Best Schools

College Ranking: Tips for Finding the Best Schools The official university ranking list that is published every year lists the top colleges in the country, however these lists don’t go over many important issues to a student. Luckily there are several college ranking guides that are published by actual college students. The most accurate form of ranking colleges places a high importance on student happiness. College students grade their university based on a number of different factors, not just academic qualifications. This type of college ranking process reflects the opinions of current students and recent graduates and is not influenced...