Tagged: College

Saving Money For College… Key Strategies

Saving Money For College… Key Strategies

Saving Money For College… Key Strategies One day you will wake up and your children will be ‘grown’ and heading off to school. Have you thought about how you will finance their education? If you haven’t heard already, the cost of a decent education is continually rising above and beyond what ordinary people can afford. If you have more than one child, you can expect a financial burden that might almost seem overwhelming. Did you know that within the next 10 years, the cost of an average education for a bachelor degree is expected to rise to 0,000 per year?...

College Dating

College Dating

College Dating Hello everyone! College dating seems to be very important in the span of someone’s life, whether it be the list of people they hooked up with or the person they married. I know more friends who coupled up and stayed coupled while meeting in college. I just graduated from Bentley College near Boston, MA and I realize the potential for success by finding your true love in College. My story begins as a sophomore in college. I’m living in a suite room with 7 other guys, I know it sounds like a lot, but actually it was quite...

Christian College Scholarship: Following the Path where God Leads You

Christian College Scholarship: Following the Path where God Leads You

Christian College Scholarship: Following the Path where God Leads You What would be your life after high school? Graduating from high school is the moment of truth. You need to decide on the path that you will follow after your high school life. There are some who prefer to get a job right away instead of pursuing their respective college dreams while others will join the military as their service to the American people. But a majority of high school graduates are still undecided in terms of what career they will pursue after high school. However, the most essential thing...

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools

Types Scholarship For College Students Given By Schools With the increasing cost of college education, you surely would want to know the different possibilities wherein you can study and earn a degree without paying so much or without paying at all. Sounds familiar? What about scholarship for college students? Now that’s more familiar. But getting familiar with the phrase would not give you any result and would not even let you finish college for free. You still have to know the types of scholarship for college student so that you can choose which one is right for you. You see,...

How To Email Your College Professor

How To Email Your College Professor

How To Email Your College Professor So its 1:30 am and there you are at the computer trying to refresh the email inbox page. The big test is tomorrow and your Professor still hasn’t replied back, but why? Contrary to popular belief, that your Professor wants you to fail, the problem could stem from the fact that your email never reached him/her. Hence, the purpose of this guide is to show students how to write an effective email to their Professors. The From Field Always use your University or College email address when sending an email to your professor. This...

Using Student Loans, Scholarships And Grants To Pay For College

Using Student Loans, Scholarships And Grants To Pay For College

Using Student Loans, Scholarships And Grants To Pay For College For most middle class parents it can be a case of sticker shock adding up all those cost to send a young adult to college. Between tuition, fees, room and board, the average yearly cost is ,127 at a four year public college and more than ,000 at a private university. It’s no wonder parents ask themselves each year if they can afford it. The good news is that the answer is yes. With just a few simple moves families can save themselves thousands of dollars. Start early One thing...

Private Student Loans For College – Credit and Cosigner Requirements

Private Student Loans For College – Credit and Cosigner Requirements

Private Student Loans For College – Credit and Cosigner Requirements Today, the cost of obtaining a quality education increases each year. This can leave families struggling to pay their child’s tuition bill each semester. There are many alternatives to paying for college: student loans, grants, scholarships, college savings funds. However, often the amount from these various streams do not always equal the total amount needed. This is when having the option for private student loans for college can make the difference between a student completing their degree, or dropping out. Tuition, dorm fees, books, and meal plans quickly add up....

College Students, Strengthen your Time Management Skills Research!

College Students, Strengthen your Time Management Skills Research!

College Students, Strengthen your Time Management Skills Research! It is but natural for college students to find ways of strengthening their skills in time management. It is an essential aspect for them to achieve a successful life. College students are aware of time management skills through research and practical means. Time management is an important skill for college students because they typically need to juggle many different activities in a rather unstructured environment. Many college students struggle to maintain a productive and balanced time in order to accomplish all their goals and the tasks involved to achieve them. Most college...

College Basketball Milestones

College Basketball Milestones

College Basketball Milestones Basketball is a favorite pastime of kids and adults alike. American kids grow up with dreams of earning scholarships and reaching fame in the college league. Basketball owes its origin to Dr. James Naismith, who invented the sport in 1892. Before long, the popularity of the game caught on and it was being played in American colleges. The first official game involving a college team was played between Geneva College and the New Brighton YMCA in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania on April 8, 1893. On February 9, 1895, the first intercollegiate game was played between the Minnesota State...

College Loan Consolidation – You Solution To Student Loan Payback

College Loan Consolidation – You Solution To Student Loan Payback

College Loan Consolidation – You Solution To Student Loan Payback For those students wishing to get a college education who do not qualify for scholarships and who cannot work or who can’t work enough to cover their college expenses, student loans can provide an answer. While borrowing money is never the ideal way to pay for anything, there are hundreds of thousands of people for whom a college education would have remained out of reach were it not for student loans. Even state colleges and universities can cost state residents upwards of ,000 per year. While student loans may clear...