Tagged: Business

Rotman Business School

Rotman Business School

Rotman Business School Located in the third biggest financial center in North America, the University of Toronto is well known across the globe as the most excellent research university in Canada. The university was founded in 1827 and now serves a total of 67,000 students and 11,000 faculty and staff employees. The university houses one of the top four research libraries in North America. This facility allows students to have a ready source of reference needed for schoolwork and further readings. The University of Toronto offers a variety of programs, which consists of 31 divisions on its three campuses. A...

Why Not Obtain Your Business Degree Online?

Why Not Obtain Your Business Degree Online?

Why Not Obtain Your Business Degree Online? For any young person wondering what type of training they should venture into or what profession will supply them with a long-term, solid career, obtaining a business degree online may be the perfect solution to avoid many situations others face in their lives. Finding a job in today’s competitive markets isn’t easy. First-time job seekers can be overwhelmed by the requirements companies are asking in their employment advertisements and need to know they have the education to back up their value to any business. People working at a good job without having finished...

Haskayne School Of Business – University Of Calgary

Haskayne School Of Business – University Of Calgary

Haskayne School Of Business – University Of Calgary Located in the City of Calgary, the University of Calgary is one of the cream of the crop institutions in Canada. In an almost 40 years of establishment, it has been successful in developing different knowledge and abilities fundamental in order to enhance the professional and personal lives of its students, and have molded around 100,000 graduates. The land area of the campus is 213 hectares and is composed of 17 faculties, over 30 research institutes and centers, and a total of 53 departments. The teaching faculty has about 1,917 full time...