Category: Education

Colleges And Universities In Baltimore, Maryland Part Ii

Colleges And Universities In Baltimore, Maryland Part Ii

Colleges And Universities In Baltimore, Maryland Part Ii Baltimore International College (BIC) Baltimore’s leading institution for culinary arts and hospitality management degrees is Baltimore International College (BIC). Baltimore International College was founded in 1972. It is a regionally accredited, independent college offering specialized baccalaureate and associate degrees and certificates through its School of Culinary Arts and School of Hospitality Business and Management. College programs are taught by industry-experienced chefs and professors from around the world. They incorporate a blend of theory and academics with hands-on experience. Students participate in internships at college-operated establishments or externships at approved locations. The College’s...

Student Loan Consolidation Service – Is it Really Safe and Cheap

Student Loan Consolidation Service – Is it Really Safe and Cheap

Student Loan Consolidation Service – Is it Really Safe and Cheap For most people, university is a completely new arena. This, of course, applies to the social aspects of college life, as well as the economic status needed by advanced studies. It remains a fact that university can be very expensive, sending a number of scholars and parents into debt. If you are one of those students or parent who is trying to get the monthly payment obligations under control, then a student loan consolidation service is the place you need to begin. If you have several loans, then a...

How Many Single Parents Are Enrolled In College

How Many Single Parents Are Enrolled In College

How Many Single Parents Are Enrolled In College Single Parents in College To date, experts estimate that there are two out of ten college students, regardless of gender, that are single parents by choice or by chance. The estimate looks not alarming, but the thing is that experts believe and assert that the number of single parents in college are constantly and rapidly rising. With the advent of rising and more popular liberated principles adopted by the modern generation, single parenthood is not a taboo anymore. In the United States alone, it is estimated that more and more single parents...

How To Spot Bogus Fake Degrees

How To Spot Bogus Fake Degrees

How To Spot Bogus Fake Degrees More and more people are getting arrested or sued for illegally using bogus fake university degrees to land better paying jobs. Sometimes, this is done with criminal intent and at other times, the victims innocently thought that their college or university degrees were genuine. This is because many of these so called “universities and colleges” offering fake degrees have positioned themselves so well that they are thought to be authentic, especially those bogus degree mills that are offering university degrees online. Bangladeshi, Abu Syeed Chowdury was jailed for 4 months in Singapore when he...

College Football: The Complete History

College Football: The Complete History

College Football: The Complete History The very first university football game was played between Princeton and Rutgers on November 6th, 1869 at New Brunswick in New Jersey. There were different things between the game played that day and the games we watch today. In the early days of college football, the football was round and the field 120 yards long and 75 yards wide and each team had 25 players. The popularity of college football was fairly low in the early days and there were only 6 teams by the time a rugby ball was adopted for playing with and...

Why You Must Apply For As Many University Scholarships As You Can

Why You Must Apply For As Many University Scholarships As You Can

Why You Must Apply For As Many University Scholarships As You Can Most of the college and university scholarships available today are not awarded based on financial need as they were in the past. The scholarships are also not only awarded for the academic genius, the star athletics superstar, or the captain of the chess club, but they are awarded based on a wide variety of different factors such as the major you have declared (and you can always change your mind!), your heritage, your last name, and many other things. There are even scholarships for left handed students! The...

Queen’s University

Queen’s University

Queen’s University Queen’s University is one of the proud universities standing at northeastern part of Lake Ontario. It was originally founded by the Royal Charter of Queen Victoria in 1841, thus the name Queen’s University. It was in the year 1842 where the first ever class was held in the university. Being one of the pioneer degrees granting organization in the United Province of Canada, it has educated quite a number of Canada’s prominent political and cultural personalities. The Queen’s School of Business is recognized worldwide as the leading business education in North America. Top caliber students in Canada and...

Rags To Riches – Not Just An American Dream

Rags To Riches – Not Just An American Dream

Rags To Riches – Not Just An American Dream When someone becomes immensely successful and wealthy, others have choices in how they respond. The common choices are: 1. An outpouring of jealousy, dismissing the successful person as lucky, dishonest, manipulative, evil or with some other derogatory term. 2. Admiration and acceptance; a “that’s life” attitude: “Good for him”. 3. Wow! How did he do that? I want to learn from that guy and do the same. It is sad that such a high percentage of people seem to fall into category 1, although I would guess the majority fall into...

The Truth About 529 College Savings Plans

The Truth About 529 College Savings Plans

The Truth About 529 College Savings Plans Its time to start saving money for College. Though you may not realize it, this needs to be done and thought out. There are a variety of ways to begin saving and there are some great options available. One plan worth investigating is the 529 College Saving Plan. The 529 College Savings Plan is designed with all the information you need to make a real difference in your college savings endeavors. There are real examples to help you choose the right path and not be taken for granted brokers just looking to pad...

Distance Education:  Easier Than Ever!

Distance Education: Easier Than Ever!

Distance Education: Easier Than Ever! So in order to get anywhere in this life you need education right? And I am not talking about just straight book learning or what you would think about when you think school but everything whether it be a masters in biochemistry or a class in window tinting. The great thing about this age of computers and the internet is that education has become so much more accessible—distance education can be a reality no matter where you are on God’s green earth. Distance education means any type of learning that is taught by someone or...